Spotswood Estates weather
Latitude N 38° 15' 47" Longitude W 77° 29' 17" Elevation 240 ft
Dawn: | 06:46 | Sunrise: | 07:15 | Moonrise: | 13:03 | |
Dusk: | 17:19 | Sunset: | 16:50 | Moonset: | 00:28 | |
Daylight: | 10:33 | Day length: | 09:35 | Moon Phase: | Waxing Gibbous |
Welcome to Spotswood Estates, just outside of Fredericksburg, VA in Spotsylvania County. The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Vue, and these pages are updated every 5 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight. The station's readings can also viewed on Weather Underground by clicking this link: Spotswood Estates Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change. |
Temperature and Humidity | |||
Temperature | 41.1 °F | Dew Point | 35.7 °F |
Windchill | 41.1 °F | Humidity | 81% |
Heat Index | 41.1 °F | Apparent Temperature | 38.1 °F |
Solar Radiation | 0 W/m² | Evapotranspiration Today | 0.000 in |
Rainfall | |||
Rainfall Today | 0.00 in | Rainfall Rate | 0.00 in/hr |
Rainfall This Month | 0.00 in | Rainfall This Year | 40.59 in |
Rainfall Last Hour | 0.00 in | Last rainfall | 2024-11-28 09:15 |
Wind | |||
Wind Speed (gust) | 0.0 mph | Wind Speed (avg) | 0.0 mph |
Wind Bearing | 0° --- | Beaufort F0 | Calm |
Pressure | |||
Barometer | 29.944 in | Falling | -0.009 in/hr |
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